Empowering parents, caregivers and educators with the tools to positively impact behaviour at home and in the classroom.


Behaviour Solutions Lab has developed a platform (the Labs) and behavioural support service intended to provide parents, caregivers and educators with immediate tools to positively impact lasting behavioural change at home and in the classroom. The Labs are a collection of short videos (2-6 min.), companion documents, resources and a podcast, explaining and breaking down the fundamentals of behaviour. Within the Labs you will find tools and information addressing a wide range of behavioural challenges. Topics addressed in the Labs are General Topics, Behaviour Basics, Executive Function, Autism, and ADHD. In addition, you have the opportunity to work with a qualified behaviour consultant (BCBA) to support with the application of behavioural principles through one-to-one consultations and workshops. Through knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of behaviour, behavioural challenges disappear and inclusion becomes automatic. For more information or to inquire about how to gain access to the Labs, please contact us.

The Labs

  • Family Lab

    A collection of educational videos that provide parents and caregivers with the knowledge and understanding of why behaviours occur and how best to handle them.

    The topics in the Family Lab include General Topics, Behaviour Basics, Executive Function, Autism & ADHD. In addition to the videos are companion documents and links to resources.

    Additionally, parents can benefit from one-on-one consultations with a qualified behaviour analyst (BCBA). Consultants support parents and caregivers in strengthening their understanding of the principles of behaviour in order to foster positive behaviours within the home.

  • School Lab

    A collection of educational videos which breakdown the fundamentals of behaviour and provide educators with immediate tools to positively impact classroom behaviours.

    The School Lab provides you with access to high quality video content related to General Topics, Behaviour Basics, Executive Function, Autism & ADHD, as well as companion documents and links to multiple resources.

    Schools have the opportunity to work with a qualified behaviour consultant (BCBA) who can support educators through whole group or small group instruction, as well as provide support for individual cases.
